Brand new kurzick guild! [obf]
Order of the Black Fist was created on 6/18/09
Yes we are new, but all guilds have to start somewhere right? As of now we have a total of 3 members. The leade (kika) co-leader(Toph) and myself. Besides that, there is another guild that is strongly concidering merging into our guild. This will bring 7 more members.
Yeah, I know a lot of guilds die out really quick because of anxiety, which results into rushing things. But here's the thing, we are playing this smart.
Our guild will NOT give you an officer position just for being the first member in the guild, but instead you must demonstrate proper fortitude and intelligence towards the game, must have patience for not so intelligent gamers that we call "noobs," and must also show high quality leadership ability.
Now that our guild is starting off, I hope that after viewing this you have some intrest in it. Hope to talk to you very soon. For any further questions you can ask me myself- "Rimshot de Second" in game
To join: Reply to this post or PM me in game with the name above ^^
If I am not online you can also contact "Toph The Almighty" or "Warmistress Kika"